Saturday, January 2, 2010

Winter wonderland or frozen torment?

I love snow. Who doesn’t…right? Oh, the people who have to plow their driveways every morning before they can go to work…ok…oh, the people who it takes 10 times longer to drive anywhere…ok…oh, the people who get snowed in their homes and can’t leave for weeks?
Oh well, for us in the South where we get about 4 inches of snow annually (if we’re lucky) it is a treat to see the white fluffy flakes now and again. I especially love how the snow insulates the noise pollution of the cars and general ambience of the outside. It seems so quiet and that you can hear the screams of playing kids a mile away as they make a snowman as best as they can remember how. It also seems like snow brings a calming to everything. People drive slower, walk slower, stay inside and sit by the fire with their loved ones and just spend quality time in a way that gets overlooked with “normal’ life above 32° and in the sunlit streets of hustle and bustle. But as a kid, when they announced school was closed due to snow…it was like Valentine’s day, Halloween, President’s day, leap year and Christmas all rolled in to one amazingly incredible day. I could have gone all day without resting, food or insulation. Losing a toe to frost bite would have been just a cool way to remember the day of freedom and a lifetime’s worth of fun! So to you in the aforementioned group who deal with snow as an encumbrance, and lacking any exhilaration…I am sorry. We love it down here!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you. I love snow. And you're right, it's a chance to slow down, stay inside and enjoy family and the simpler things. LOVE it. Hope you're having a wonderful holiday with your family. Happy New Year!
