Tuesday, December 1, 2009

So who's the turkey here?

Thanks-giving. I understand and fully appreciate what this North American holiday represents, and I never fail to partake in it’s bounty! But I just can’t help but think that while we were chowing down at Plymouth Plantation in 1621, there were scores of Native American Indians crying out in misery about the loss of their land and loss of life as the new man set foot on their land and began eradicating them.

Pass the sweet potatoes!
I find it ironic that we enjoy our freedom and liberties here in the USA based on the savage theft of land, life and liberty of the aboriginal inhabitants! How many people were forced in to Christianity staring at the end of a sword? How many people’s lives were spared only by conceding to leave their land and lives behind? Don’t get me wrong…I am all for missionary work and fighting for freedom…and I am glad we broke free from British Empire rule, but why must we threaten innocent people with their lives to accomplish our task?

More gravy anyone?
So with this model in mind…I guess it would be socially acceptable to ask someone for their hand in marriage at gun point? Or..I dunno…maybe deny old people health care to ensure a comfortable young life for others. Or I know…we could bomb a country over and over until they decide to be civil and not bomb other countries! Yeah , that’s the ticket!

Who wants desert?
So, yes…let’s be thankful. Let’s be thankful to the people we desecrated to enjoy our turkey and dressing. Let’s be thankful we invented the gun before they did..or I am sure we would all be sharing a very different day of “harvest”!

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