Sunday, November 15, 2009

Movies That Suck

Why is it that everything is about the "good ‘ol days?" It seems around every corner, someone is saying "They don't make them like they used to"...Movies, Cars, seems like we keep diluting the real thing for something that is easier to make or is artificially simulated. I know for FACT that Coke changed their recipe when they came out with 'Coke Classic' which was supposed to be the exact formula everyone whined and complained about them changing for 'New Coke'. I had a green bottle Coke (those old enough reading this know what I am talking about) and a Coke Classic...and they were NOT the same! Not even close!

Movies seem to rely SO MUCH on special effects, they almost don't care about the plot or character development, just getting some eye candy out there that lures the viewers in. I remember when a movie preview was mostly the people in the movie and some general facts about the story. Nowadays, the movie preview is almost as produced as the movie itself, and often times uses some of the best scenes of the movie in it.

It really is unfortunate that people in this generation will never taste Coke as it was. Nor see many quality movies that stand the test of time...I mean really...who couldn't sit down and enjoy a good Hitchcock movie...but I bet the lines are going to be short to see 'Freddy vs. Jason' or 'Virtuosity'. I remember when I saw Indiana Jones and thought it was a masterpiece...then they made part two and totally keyed in on the things that people reacted to in the first one...especially the spider they made a HUGE deal out of plot-less, meaningless gooey insects and living meals and said "to hell with the story, let's make ‘em squirm!" Ugh! The one thing I DID like about the change in movies happened in 1983 with the release of Return of the Jedi...THX. I recall the screen before the monstrous sound blew us out of our said "...the quality of sound has remained unchanged for over 30 years" FINALLY! A visionary! Someone that recognized what could be IMPROVED upon and not just figuring out a way to do something faster.

How many times do we see a software package that has some good features, but could use some good customer feedback to make it perform better? But what do the publishers do? They release a new version that has MORE FEATURES instead of fixing the ones that were bad. It’s like complaining that a car doesn’t accelerate fast enough, so the next year they release a model with a bigger air conditioner and pen stripes. SO WHAT!? We wanted it to go faster…and instead they have added MORE features that actually even slow it down further…or my all time worst…they simply rely on technology to improve so that their program works better rather than spending the time to figure out what they did wrong and correct it. Am I alone in this?

So the next time you hear someone say “they don’t make ‘em like they used to”…they ARE NOT LYING!

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