Sunday, November 1, 2009


Have you ever had one of those days when something happens and you know it is going to have a long term affect on your life, but you don't know how? Whatever the event or response, you can feel your subconcience chewing madly at way to deal with it. Well, I have had that for about 2 weeks now. I am not even sure what the trigger was, but there is definitely something brewing. I am sure the final result will include some extent of suppression or agression. Either way, I am just ready to move on past this.

I found out some very sad news last week about a childhood friend who had unexpectantly died. We hadn't spoken in over 25 years, but still, it is a little disconcerting to be counting "down" the people whom I have known that are now dead. High school reunions become like survivor support groups as we recount memories of friends who have passed.

Finding it hard to remain focused or motivated lately. After having had the swine flu a couple weeks ago, now it seems like sleep is my new found vice. I can't get enough and I am even close to sleeping while standing up with my eyes wide open. Hopefully some additional exercise will help slop me out of this goop.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I totally caught you sleeping at your desk the other day. You poor thing.

    I'm glad you survived the swine flu though, and don't worry, just give your body time to rest and heal. :o)

    Speaking of which...when are we going to play paintball?!
